“We’ll be with you every step of the way.”
Through our workshops and coaching we walk with churches every step of the way. Whether you currently have no active efforts or plans for how to reach, serve, and include people with disabilities or whether you are wanting to grow in your efforts, we don’t want you to be alone in your journey. We want to make this as easy as possible on you, so we walk with you every step between where you are and where you sense God wants to take you.
Our team has a diverse set of experiences to share with you: personal experience with disability, experience parenting children with disabilities, pastoral and church planting experience, theological research on disability, special education training, experience with international missions with and among people with disabilities, and more…
It’s ok to do something small. But everyone needs to do something.
Trying to include people with disabilities doesn’t mean you have to add a line to your budget, start a new ministry, or overhaul everything you’re doing. The most important thing you can do is remember people with disabilities as you contextualize your services, events, and ministries to where God has placed you. This awareness alone will have a transformative impact. It’s ok to do something small, but you have to do something—every community and people group is impacted by disability so no matter where you are making disciples…there are people with disabilities there.
Here are a few examples of things churches who have been through our programming are doing:
Incorporating a person who is deaf into international missions
Hosting a quarterly respite night for families impacted by disability
Hosting sensory friendly events for people with disabilities in the community
Starting an after school bible club at a special needs school
Planting a church aimed at reaching people and families impacted by disability
Conducting an annual awareness raising disability Sunday service