Don't forget to turn on your GPS

Imagine if I asked you to take me to your favorite spot in your town, would you use GPS or take me through the route you usually take? Recently, David and I were on our way to church, and since we have been using the same route for almost a year, we didn't think we needed GPS. However, last Sunday, we ran into multiple construction roadblocks and road closures, one after another. After the fourth time, I let out a massive sigh as David decided to turn on the GPS to help us find the best route for the day.  

Later that day, as I thought about the morning drive, I reflected on my journey with the Lord and how my life has changed since I accepted Jesus into my heart. I was saved when I was a junior in college, and I spent many of my early years trying to prove that God could really use me even if I had a physical disability and a speech impairment. Honestly, I don’t know who I was trying to convince more, others or myself. I knew what I could do, so I used the most comfortable road. Sometimes, I used to coast through life, tackling roadblocks using my own strength to knock them down. Life still felt hard, but I had an even harder shell. 

It was not until I started diving into scripture that life really stopped being about taking the usual route and using my strength. When I began going to the Word, I started understanding how much God loves me, defines my identity, and guides my path. 

Psalm 119:105 (NIV) says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Friend, this verse shows us that the Word is essential to our walks with the Lord. The Bible is not just intended for certain individuals or specific periods but rather for everyone who faces any circumstance. We must share, study, and memorize scripture with individuals who have disabilities. The methods of doing so may vary for each person, but the process grounded in the Bible's teachings holds a certain beauty. 

Arriving at church that Sunday felt a little sweeter. Despite encountering several obstacles and taking detours, in the end, we made it to our destination, where we could worship our Creator with our church family. It was as simple as turning on the GPS and allowing it to guide us. In the same way, we should turn to the Word of God and let Him lead us on the right path toward righteousness and ultimate freedom.   

Angela is the Founder and Director of Roll Called Ministries and has a master's degree in Rehabilitation Counselina. She is passionate about teaching and serving the Church. Due to having Cerebral Palsy, she navigates through life using her wheelchair and believes God has opened many doors using her disability for His glory.

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