Book Review: "Kiss the Wave: Embracing God in your Trials"

Written by our team member AJ, The Banquet Network’s Administrative Assistant. This review is on the book “Kiss the Wave: Embracing God in your Trials” by Dave Furman.

Nobody enjoys trials and suffering, however in this book, Dave Furman reminds us how we can trust God’s sovereign hand amidst them and live as Spurgeon quoted, “I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages”. Furman, who shares his own story as a missionary who suffers with a disability, helps build a theological foundation in understanding what it means to kiss the wave. In short, it is not about us trying harder to overcome such hardships, rather it is embracing them with eyes trusting the Lord who has designed such suffering to be for the purpose of our good and His glory (17-18). Though suffering from grief, disability, persecution, or other life hardships are not good, they give us the opportunity to lean into God’s grace and trust His purpose in the gospel of Christ to bring us joy rather than our circumstances (Rom 8:28).

Furman explains that in the midst of life’s storms, we often forget who Jesus is which leads us to fear instead of having peace like His disciples often struggled with believing (26). This does not necessarily mean that our trials are a result of disobedience but even when we are following Christ, our hearts often doubt God’s goodness, loving control, and wisdom. We need to remember as it says in James 4:13-17 that our lives are a mist that God holds in His hands and view our trials as a gift of grace (27). In summary, Furman reminds us of the importance to preach the gospel to ourselves daily so that when we face trials we can turn to the cross and have hope in His resurrection (56-57).

This book is a challenging and helpful resource to all people who encounter suffering of many kinds and can be specifically applicable to those who face disability or seek to participate in disability ministry.

The Banquet Network