Don't let hardship keep you from God's calling

May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NIV 

I often think about my challenges and ask the Lord to reveal what He wants to teach me through the circumstances. Some days are easier than others, especially in seeing what He wants me to learn and apply to my life. Then there are other times when the hurt seems unbearable. To think that something good could come out of the situation is farthest from my heart’s desire.

Since I was little, I have deeply yearned to teach. I remember playing school with the other daycare kids and always wanting to be the teacher. In elementary school, I was led to believe that my dream of being a teacher was silly. People told me that I could not teach because I had a physical disability. I was heartbroken. Even as I pursued other careers in college and graduate school, my heart always longed to teach.

I’m so grateful God sees the desires of our hearts, and when we are daily connected with Him, He reveals things far greater than we could ever imagine. While I am not in the classroom every day, He has countlessly given me opportunities to teach in different ways within the church. Recently I welcomed children to our church’s Vacation Bible School and shared my testimony with some of the kids. It was awesome to be a smiling face to the children and their families. Being a part of a week that pointed kids to Jesus brought my heart so much joy and peace. I can not even begin to describe how full my heart was on Friday afternoon when the kids hugged me goodbye.

This is living proof of how the Church is fundamental as people live out the things God has called us to do, including people with disabilities. Do I think people on the church’s leadership team had questions about my disability and what I could do? Probably. However, the questions did not deter them from allowing me to serve the Body of Christ. We figured it out together. 

What do I pray that people learn from this experience? I hope leaders see that people with disabilities have gifts and talents that impact the Church. I also hope that people with disabilities and their families see that God uses all things, including heartache, for His good for those who love Him. When we seek the Lord with our hearts and possess the perseverance of Christ, we will see His glory revealed through our lives.  

Angela is the Founder and Director of Roll Called Ministries and has a master's degree in Rehabilitation Counselina. She is passionate about teaching and serving the Church. Due to having Cerebral Palsy, she navigates through life using her wheelchair and believes God has opened many doors using her disability for His glory.

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